B.由台灣高鐵台中站:台一乙線接台74 號在市政路出口下交流道,接中港路往台中火車站方向,遇中港路與健行路交叉口左轉,在健行路上前進約300公尺,遇健行路與博館路交叉口左轉約50公尺處到達目的地。 From Taiwan Hight Speed Rail Taichung Station: Take Provincial Hightway No.1-II and link to junction Provincial Highway No.74. Take Exit at Xitun Road. Go straight on TaichungKang Road toward east, downstreet. Turn left when you meet junction of TaichungKang Road & ChienHsing Road. Keep on ChienHsing Road for 300m until you reach Boguan Road and turn left onto Boguan Road about 50m. United Sprits & Wine Corp. is situated on the left hand side.
請台中經朝馬路線,於科學博物館(SOGO)下車 Highway Bus: Take bus toward Taichung Chao-Ma line. When approaching SOGO Department Store, take off at National Museum of Natura
因此就算有一款氣泡酒符合了2跟3的條件,卻不是在法國香檳區生產,很抱歉,法定名稱無法被稱為香檳,Etoile差不多就是這麼一回事。雖然Etoile沒辦法出生在法國,不過她的法國老爸還是替他建立完整的背景,也一樣充分的製造過程。其實頭銜這種東西,美國人一點都不在乎,反正在美國,sparkling都可以被稱做champange呀! who cares? 好喝最重要。
1.“With no vintage requirements, we have
the freedom to blend the current vintage with the perfect complement of
library, or reserve wines, to build layers of depth and complexity. “ 可見得Etoile如同無年份香檳NV,在二次發酵之前,加入其他年份的reserve wine.這會使層次更豐富。
Based on Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, this luxe rosé bubbly is
delicious to drink now. It’s likeable for the array of strawberry,
orange and lime flavors, with that savory sparkling wine yeastiness, and
the bubbles are smooth and refined. Will set off many different foods,
but sushi is a definite hit.
S.H. (2/1/2012)
— 93
[soor LEE] The French expression for "on the lees." lees is
the coarse sediment, which consists mainly of dead yeast cells and small grape
particles that accumulate during fermentation. Wine¬?makers believe that
certain wines benefit from being aged sur lie. Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc
wines are thought to gain complexity if aged in this way for a few months. This
happens as a matter of course with sparkling wines made via méthode champenoise
because the second fermentation occurs in the bottle where the wine is aged
(sometimes for up to 10 years) until the lees are disgorged. Muscadet wines
from France's Loire region occasionally have the phrase "mis en bouteille
sur lie" on the label, which means the wine was bottled from barrels where
the lees were not drained (although the sediment has fallen to the bottom of
the barrel). These wines have a creamy, yeasty flavor and a touch of carbon
dioxide which gives a slight prickling sensation on the tongue. Source:
Answers.com; Wine Lover's Companion - R & S Herbst